We all have a habit of putting out fires, meaning getting into a situation and looking for superficial solutions that will immediately quiet the internal/external drama. We are all used to looking for relief from pain in the form of taking a pill, on social media. alcohol, drugs, pleasing, and ignoring there are so many tools that we are all using as a crutch, just so we can weather the storm that is in front of us. That will be the short path to the desired emotional quiet. Actually, this path is not short but it is the short long one that keeps us in the same loop over and over again.
There is another path, which is long but eventually, it will be the shortest way to your well-being that will sustain as long as you want it to be, Ready?
Take a notebook and start programming your mind to look for the best possible option in every situation.
Prepare a list of 10 things that you love doing, (no screen included) it is very important to pay attention to the sensation that is received meaning that moment of pleasure connection, and love that our bodies will produce the hormone called oxytocin also called the love hormone. What is important for you to know and recognize this feeling right now. You can identify it in those magic moments after orgasm. You can feel it in a long loving hug, you can feel it when you see puppies or babies, you can recognize the sensation in your body when you feel it soften, you can feel it when you feel a deep desire for connection and for touch, you can feel it when your whole body is saying yes when there is no resistance when you feel the sensation of happiness (even if it’s for a few seconds) that spreads to every cell in your body.
Sit with yourself and make a list that will fill you up with oxytocin, try not to include in the list other people so that you won’t be dependent on anyone. This is an example from my own personal list:
Learning something new
Going to the beach and feeling the sand underneath my feet
Be surrounded by water
Hearing music
Walking in nature
Sitting on a bench somewhere I don’t know and observing the wonder of the world
Cuddling with my pets
During the following week, take this list and make it come to life (hopefully for the rest of your life) choose at the beginning of each day while you are drinking your coffee or brushing your teeth one thing from your list and make it happen. Say to yourself before you start: – “I love me, that is why today I am going to spoil myself by doing……”
If we desire to fill up what is lacking inside of us without waiting for another we have to start practicing self-love.
That will be our first phase in managing our emotions.
You are going to have so much fun. Share and and tell us here in the comment what is on your list that evokes in you the love hormone and this is how you can inspire others.