Did you ever see a flowing river that suddenly stopped?
The river is faced with many rocks, branches and a whole world of sealife. Does the river stand in front of these and ask them to move, to change or to disappear?
Does the river feel despair from the flow getting interrupted?
Does the river say, “I don’t want to flow anymore.”
Does this make the river change direction?
The river is always going to choose the simplest and easiest path in order to pass any obstacles, it is not holding back or asking questions, it is simply flowing. The river is being what it is and nothing will change its essence or it’s path. The river lives by the theory of “Zero Effort”.
What happens to us when we meet a situation that evokes a negative emotional response?
The last sentence is already an incorrect assumption. Let’s all try to understand together. There is nothing in this world that is not a complete reflection of our internal world.
Everything is inside of us.
Some of you will not like what this means.
What, nobody is to blame?
Wait a minute this new information will light a fire in your heart, read with care. All the emotions that we feel are inside us, no person in the world and I repeat no person in the world is responsible for your emotion. We can choose to spend our time in the emotional state that we desire.
Meaning, if we go back to the initial question regarding our negative emotional responses will be:-
How can I transmute the negative emotion that exists in me to a positive emotion that exists in me?
Or in everyday language, How can I feel good at a specific moment when I feel bad?
We are not going to ask ourselves these questions.
Where does this come from?
Why does this situation/person happen to me?
And more questions that take our power away.
The solution is in the moral of the beginning of the story:- The Theory of “Zero Effort”
Every desire that we have can meet an external resistance that will reflect an internal resistance and that will create the tension inside of us. That tension makes us think of one negative thought and start a whole momentum with that one bad thought, we recall a similar situation that we have experienced before. And there you go another negative emotion arises, and then we share the event with a close friend as we think sharing is caring (no it’s not) and that friend immediately adds a story of their own on a frequency of negative emotions. Here you find yourself certain and believing the realness of that negative emotion. You are flooded from the inside and from the outside with a waterfall of bad emotions and the negative momentum is at its peak.
If we are awake to the moment when the first negative thoughts occurs and we say to ourselves, there is nothing in this thought, it has no meaning at this moment, it will not serve me well, it will not promote or contribute to my life in anyway, it will not open my heart and surely it will not bring me to the positive emotion that I desire, it does not benefit me.
No human likes to feel negative emotion.
Everything that we do is in order for us to feel better.
If we recognize within our bodies the sensation of negative emotion, which are contracting parts of our body, the change in the rhythm of our breathing, our pulse quickens, our body is readying itself for danger.
At that moment we will learn to breathe slowly and deeply.
We will remember that there is no purpose to the negative at this moment.
We will remember that we are like the moral within the story of the river.
We will be conscious of the existing reality that is always full with what is right for us and what is lacking.
If we simply choose to feel good.
If we choose the good in us.
If we choose to focus on things that we like and that benefit us inside and outside of us.
If we choose to move forward in any direction that holds something better, then the reality in front of us.
After a few minutes this bad thought will dissipate and with it the bad emotion just like magic.
As long as we will get ahead of ourselves and catch the negative thought that sneaks in right at the beginning, recognize it inside of us, take full responsibility for the emotion and remember our ability to shift the sensation – This is how we can transmute it. Exactly as we do with a small child playing a game that he is not supposed to play.
Do we snatch it from his hand?
Will we shout at him to let it go?
The best way is for us to diffort his attention to a more suitable game. This is the best,easiest, simple, and loving solution for the situation.
With no drama.
In this action we are not cancelling his desire, rather continuing his good flow by focusing on a positive somewhere else.
In the same manner we can listen to every emotion that arises inside of us, and then choose to focus on something else.
We can always go back and observe all the emotions at a time that we will decide. We will choose the time that we are in the best mood, full of good thoughts without effort or resistance (exactly like being after the breathing exercise – look at my feed)
Homework for the awakened.
Pay attention over the following week to moments of struggle, moments of tension and feeling when the resistance arises. Just observe your thoughts and reactions without any judgement. Ask yourself the following questions;-
Are you interested in minimizing the situation in your life?
How much are you flowing like the river in your life?
Try to choose one moment or another and share in the comments what you think is better,
Living in effort?
Or maybe the path of the river is in sync with your desire for a life full of ease and flow?…